Friday, December 12, 2008

hacker steal credit card data

this article is not attributed to train you gimana steal credit card data, but we want to inform you so that later on your day can be koided from credit card data theft crime. credit card crime term usually at term “carding” since internet existence increases hundreds percent. ironically indonesia enters in series top 10 (sempat at first rank) so that indonesia bank edition credit card is aversed when online expense at abroad site.

this matter also ever at natural by author that want to subscribe magazine game abroad with online payment via credit card.

hacker once crime one this so much, why? because if only nge-hack website or deface (change display/link website) is something that there is no the luck. and this matter can to detection and arsonist can ketangkap easily if sites he enter has tracker (program pelacak ip/link) or file logarithm (file that register activity user/ip that step into website). if carding they can free without trace and also sometimes after get the data, they distribute to deliver hacker so that difficult traced first person that steal credit card data. insident recently that is also at register from result carding.

there are some manner that used by hacker in steal credit card, among others:
1. package sniffer, this manner manner quickest;fastest to gets data everything. their the work concept enough wear program that can see or make logging file from data that sent by website e-commerce (online sale) they aim. in general they aim website is not equiped security encryption or site doesn't has security good.

2. make program spyware, trojan, worm and of a kind it that functioned to like keylogger (keyboard logger, program registers activities keyboard) and this program is scattered via e-mail spamming (put file- at attachment), mirc (chatting), messenger (yahoo, msn), or certain sites with icon or iming that interesting netter to downloaded and open file. this program will register all your computer activities into a file, and send it to email hacker. sometimes this program can be run direct if you step into site at make hacker or pornographic site.

3. make site phising, that is site of a kind or appear same like the original site. example in indonesia at the time site clicks bca (http: /www. klikbca. com), ever experience same thing. site the display same like klikbca but the address is made several different like http: /www. clikbca. com, http: /www. kikbca. com, etc, so if netter wrong type, nyasar to site. the luck one who make site he said doesn't in bad faith. well if hacker carding that make tuh site, ready deh your credit card is future broken down.

4. menjebol site e-commerce that is direct and steal all datas the customers. this manner is rather difficult and necessary expert hacker or hacker that experience to do so. in general they wear method injection (insert script that can be run by site/server) for site that has firewalls. there are some manner injection among others used occasionally html injection and sql injection. for site doesn't has security or firewalls, siap-siap mengerjain abis-abisan.

there are some manner again that done hacker, but manners above manner most commonly done hacker to carding. manner not general be explained later in other time. crime not only happen caused by intention from the executant, but caused by chance, waspadalah… waspadalah…
http: /www. shadowcrew. com, stolen identity sale centre site (source: detikinet)

twelve person declared guilty because mastermind biggest identity thief sites. kick to dash against this site evokes loss at least us$ 4 million, or around rp 40 milliards.

investigator side from associated press say, site http: /www. shadowcrew. com biggest stolen identity sale centre site. this site also prepare credit card data, of course got by stolen.
federal prosecutor says, this site has 4.000 member. there around 1,5 million stolen credit card number that is dealed. loss that evoked estimated us$4 million more.

“kerugian that affect in banks that take outside credit card and mastercard, visa, american express, must cover debt forced be underwrited by them that fall victim to in this crime, ” word kevin o’dowd, asistan united america lawyer.
to get credit card information, this site wears technique likes phishing and spamming. can be guessed to like to what victimization motive that launched. that is with mask as e-mail in a flash comes from bank or official financial institution. credit card number that got then worn for expense at internet. is not mentioned what what punishment to all executant


Membobol Proteksi HotSpot

in my article is previous hits friendster faked, technique that used to me-redirect a profile from friendster by using flash. now i am want to give how do we me-redirect profile friendster somebody aim url we want. first we make script flash simple like code under this. for the things use linux, install ming package beforehand. ming library that can produce file macromedia flash (. swf). if you use ubuntu and not yet menginstall, run command next::

apt-get install libming-util

if ming success installed, make a file with your editor code containing next and save by the name ofa :


misalkan seperti berikut :


Setelah itu buat file flash (.swf) dengan menjalankan perintah berikut :

chaidir@osxbuntu:~$ /usr/lib/libming/bin/makeswf

if success, so be produced file flash will named out. swf. this file is when is accessinged from browser, me-redirect to url we shall define previous. the example please access flash that i have made here. when do you accessing url, so you are direct‘diarahkan’ menuju

furthermore upload file flash a while ago (out. swf) to easy place is accessinged. for example in afterwards, send testimonial to one who want at give testimonial with put into file flash thisi.

don't send testimonial this keteman you, because profile your friend will not be accessinged!

Caranya masukkan kode berikut :

<object classid=’clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000′ codebase=’

cab#version=6,0,29,0′ width=’400′ height=’250′>“>

Untuk mencoba apakah testimonial ini berhasil, klik priview. Agar sang penerima testimonial bisa meng-approve testimonial, hapus ganti file flash tadi terlebih dahulu ( dengan flash animasi yang menarik perhatian. Misalnya dengan flash dari Babaflash Forum. Baru setelah di approve, aktifkan ganti lagi (upload lagi) dengan file flash tadi.

Nah, dalam contoh kasus di Friendster palsu, sang cracker me-redirect setiap user yang ingin melihat profile yang sudah disusupi flash tadi dan mengarahkannya ke Dan celakanya disitu dibuat halaman yang menyerupai halaman login Friendster dan seolah-olah terjadi kesalahan yang mengharuskan setiap user memasukkan email dan passwordnya.

‘Fasilitas’ untuk mengirimkan testimonial di Friendster inilah yang dimanfaatkan cracker untuk ‘mengelabuhi’ orang-orang yang sering bermain-main dengan Friendster. Oleh karena itu, berhati-hatilah terhadap testimonial yang menggunakan flash. Jika mendapatkan testimonail dari orang yang tidak dikenal (emang bisa ya?) atau flash yang ngga penting, lebih baik tidak usah di approve aja.


Wednesday, December 10, 2008

error too much learn

average bew comer at internet marketing has desire learns
big. so you intend to jump down here, you likely thirsty science
internet marketing. all products about internet comprehension
marketing you are greedy finisheds (usually shaped ebook). all methods
you study. advice all internet experts marketing you follow.
and such as those which common happen, when do you read what
said expert marketer a, you begin bouncy do appropriate
its way. until then there expert marketer b that seize focus
and your attention. finally, your focus is then changes from the a
to the b.

then you sometime later so confused secondly expert. opinion
expert marketer a initially stuck in your brain not
seldom oppose against expert b. after more confuseder, you
then stres and will felt will not ever successful.

because confused, you then look for expert marketer another. the hope
can help your comprehension more “jelas” to begin to return
your business. but unfortunately you even only passionate learn and
vertiginous opinion experts. well, during you are bot to stir a pag from
this condition, there will be no you will yield. finally, success
respect visit you.

necessary you understand, successful person bertebaran in all the world.
all memprovokasi that you also can follow trace
their success! but, don't trapped your spirit fire is self.
can your alive even so burnt!

really many people very successful, but they have
skill differ. and they are even also successful at their area is masing-

here's problem whom you face. you menguras pocket contents
but success shadow not yet appear.

then, you begin to buy product again. . . again. . . and again. or
may be see tender other and confused want berinvestasi where

finally, erudition whom you can even be circle
devil that make you are confused!

again i confirm, during you still in a condition this, you
will not ever achieve successful. because your conditon is parable
mouse that run above wheel. and that not condition that
bring success.

average bew comer at internet marketing has desire learns
big. so you intend to jump down here, you likely thirsty science
internet marketing. all products about internet comprehension
marketing you are greedy finisheds (usually shaped ebook). all methods
you study. advice all internet experts marketing you follow.
and such as those which common happen, when do you read what
said expert marketer a, you begin bouncy do appropriate
its way. until then there expert marketer b that seize focus
and your attention. finally, your focus is then changes from the a
to the b.

then you sometime later so confused secondly expert. opinion
expert marketer a initially stuck in your brain not
seldom oppose against expert b. after more confuseder, you
then stres and will felt will not ever successful.

because confused, you then look for expert marketer another. the hope
can help your comprehension more “jelas” to begin to return
your business. but unfortunately you even only passionate learn and
vertiginous opinion experts. well, during you are bot to stir a pag from
this condition, there will be no you will yield. finally, success
respect visit you.

necessary you understand, successful person bertebaran in all the world.
all memprovokasi that you also can follow trace
their success! but, don't trapped your spirit fire is self.
can your alive even so burnt!

really many people very successful, but they have
skill differ. and they are even also successful at their area is masing-

here's problem whom you face. you menguras pocket contents
but success shadow not yet appear.

then, you begin to buy product again. . . again. . . and again. or
may be see tender other and confused want berinvestasi where

finally, erudition whom you can even be circle
devil that make you are confused!

again i confirm, during you still in a condition this, you
will not ever achieve successful. because your conditon is parable
mouse that run above wheel. and that not condition that
bring success.

copy:e-book joko susilo

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